
Last Chance

'Mike-wait,' says Jenny suddenly. 'Your camera!' She stops walking. Her face is black with smoke. Jenny's blue eyes look at Mike. Mike looks back at Jenny. 'You're more important than my camera.' he tells her. 'But the volcano...I can wait here. You go back. It's not too late.' Mike says nothing. They keep walking slowly down the volcano-and away from Mike's camera.
I read Last chance. The main character, Mike, is a news cameraman. However he was always said his news isn't good by his boss. So he decides to rport a big news and went to Hawaii to see dangerous volcano. He met a young woman whose legs so badly by the volcano there. He saved her but his camera went into it. However he said nothing. I was so moved. In the end, his camera was discovered and it took great picture. I thought his action compared in Japanese proverbs, killing two birds with one stone. It' s because he got her and  camera! It' sso good!
volcano 火山
erupt 噴火する
Burrows,P and Foster,M
Last Chance, Oxford University Press

last chance oxford に対する画像結果

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